General Tips:
Starting from the airport, take care of your belongings. There are many pickpocketers and thieves who might steal your things. Another is when you are in airport your baggage might be carried by other guest so make sure you have all your belongings safely with you.
We strictly suggest you not to trek alone as much as possible. If you are single, try to fix your trip with group rather than alone. There are many cases of Solo travelers missing.
Everything might not be as you've expected it to be. Roads in Nepal are disastrous. Roads are dusty in the 4 seasons and slippery in the Monsoon. There are bumps in the roads of Kathmandu while some other outside valley place have well pitched road and some just graveled. Peak hours in the day have traffic jam of more than 2 kms.
Don't arrange any tight schedules. Nepalese to be honest are not so punctual and as already mentioned there is road problem in Nepal, so you might not have enough time for your things done.
Avoid street food as much as possible. If you have tried it before in some other country, it might not be same in Nepal. Even if you are drinking water make sure it is boiled or mineral water. You can also buy water purifying pills and purify drinking water. Carry toilet papers and sanitizer for instant use.
Not often in the capital, but there might be power cut sometime in Nepal. After all you will be in hotel, where there is supply of electricity 24hrs, so you don't need to worry about it. But if you are trekking in the remote areas, then we suggest you to carry a spare battery. Most part of village has a very low voltage power supply, so you need to be well-prepared to charge your electronic device. Bring a universal plug and voltage adapter kit for your Electronics. Nepal uses 220V.

Support the NON-Plastic Initiative, please limit your use of plastic items, and help make Nepal a better place.
All baggage must be declared and cleared through the customs on arrival at the entry point. Personal effects are permitted free entry. Passengers arriving at Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA) without any dutiable goods can proceed through the Green Channel for quick clearance without a baggage check. If you are carrying dutiable articles, you have to pass through the Red Channel for detailed customs clearance.
Apart from used personal belongings, visitors are allowed to bring to Nepal free of duty: cigarettes (200 sticks) or cigars (50 sticks), distilled liquor (one 1.15 liter bottle), and film (15 rolls). You can also bring in the following articles free of duty on condition that you take them out with you when you leave: binoculars, movie or video camera, still camera, laptop computer, and portable music system.
The export of antiques requires special certification from the Department of Archeology, National Archive Building, Ram Shah Path, Kathmandu. It is illegal to export objects over 100 years old, such as sacred images, paintings, manuscripts that are valued for culture and religious reasons. Visitors are advised not to purchase such items as they are Nepal’s cultural heritage and belong here.
Driving into Nepal:
Overland tourists entering Nepal with their vehicles must possess an international carnet.
Visa can be obtained on arrival at the Tribhuvan International Airport, Kathmandu, at border entry points in Kakadvitta, Birgunj, Bhairahawa, Nepalgunj, Gaddachowki on Nepal-India border and Kodari on Nepal-China border. Visa can also be obtained at the nearest Nepal Embassy or Diplomatic Mission. Visa can also be obtained (renewal purposes) at Department of Immigration, Kalikasthan, Kathmandu. A valid passport and one passport -size photo with a light background is required. Immigration Department has not specified the size of the passport-size photo.
Visa can be obtained only through payment of cash in the following currency: Euro, Swiss Franc, Pound Sterling, US Dollar, Australian Dollar, Canadian Dollar, Hong Kong Dollar, Singapore Dollar and Japanese Yen. Credit card, Indian currency and Nepali currency are not accepted as payment of visa fee.
Tourist Visa
Visa Facility Duration Fee
Multiple Entry 15 days US$ 25 or equivalent convertible currency
Multiple Entry 30 days US$ 40 or equivalent convertible currency
Multiple Entry 90 days US$ 100 or equivalent convertible currency
Gratis (Free) Visa
For first visit in one visa year (January to December) , gratis visa for 30 days is available only for nationals of South Asian countries like Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. However, visa can be extended from the Immigration Department on payment of visa fee as specified above.
Chinese nationals are granted free visa.
Indian nationals do not require visa to enter into Nepal.
For Indian National
Indian nationals do not require visa to enter Nepal. As per the Nepalese Immigration, Indian Nationals Traveling to Nepal must possess any One of the following documents:
1. Passport
2. Driving License with photo
3. Photo Identity card issued by a Government Agency
4. Ration Card with Photo
5. Election Commission Card with Photo
6. Identity Card issued by Embassy of India in Kathmandu
7. Identity Card with Photo issued by Sub- Divisional Magistrate or any other officials above his rank
Also, please check with your nearest travel agents for documents required by the Indian Immigration for Indians traveling to Nepal.
Visa Extension
Tourists can stay for a maximum of 150 days in a visa year (Jan 1 to Dec 31)
Other Information
Nationals from Nigeria, Ghana, Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Cameroon, Somalia, Liberia, Ethiopia, Iraq, Palestine and Afghanistan will need to obtain visa from Nepal Embassies or Diplomatic Missions in their respective countries, as they do not get visa on arrival at the immigration entry points of Nepal.
Foreign Exchange
Payment in hotels, travel agencies, and airlines are made in Foreign Exchange. Credit cards like American Express, Master and Visa are accepted at major hotels, shops, and restaurants. Remember to keep your foreign exchange encashment receipt while making foreign exchange payments or transferring foreign currency into Nepali rupees. The receipts may be needed to change leftover Nepali currency into hard currency before leaving the country. However, only 10 percent of the total amount may be converted by the bank. ATM is widely in use in Kathmandu. Major Banks, hotels and exchange counters at Tribhuvan International Airport provide services for exchanging foreign currency. Exchange Rates are published in English dailies such as The Rising Nepal, The Kathmandu Post and The Himalayan Times and around the city on boards outside of money exchanges. Nepali currency notes are found in denominations of Rupees 1000, 500, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1. Coins are found in denominations of Rupees 5, 2 and 1. One rupee equals 100 paisa.